Odsherred – a paradise for both cyclists and foodiesThe area offers a wealth of scenic bike routes and local...
Hotel og Restaurant skolens cyklende kokkeelever.
The culinary students were accommodated at Annebergparken.
The bicycles quickly became a central part of their stay. It was the teacher’s initiative to book bicycles for them, and it turned out to be a great success! The students were able to move freely around the scenic area, both in their free time and as part of their activities, and they were thrilled to experience Odsherred on two wheels. It was a pleasure to meet them and feel their joy and energy when they talked about how the bikes gave them the freedom to explore the area on their own.
One of the highlights of the trip was a visit to Lammefjord, where Søren, a local farmer, gave them an inspiring and educational tour. Here, the young culinary students gained insight into the famous Odsherred carrot, known for its intense flavor and quality. Søren spoke passionately about how the unique soil of Lammefjord gives the carrots their special character, and the students had the chance to get their hands dirty, feel the soil, and see the carrots while learning about sustainable farming practices.
Another unforgettable experience was with Dansk Tang, where the students had the opportunity to go out on the water and experience seaweed in its natural environment. They learned about the different types of seaweed, how it is harvested, and the many ways it can be used in the kitchen – both as an ingredient and as a flavor enhancer. Being able to touch and work with the raw material directly from nature made a big impression on the young chefs, and they brought this knowledge back to the kitchen.
In addition to the outdoor experiences, several students also visited Lokal Kompagniet and MOTA, where they gained insight into local food craftsmanship and the close cooperation between producers and chefs in Odsherred.
All in all, the trip was a huge success, and the feedback from the students was overwhelmingly positive. Many of them mentioned that they were surprised at how much they enjoyed getting away from the city and closer to nature and the raw ingredients. Being able to touch, taste, and experience the ingredients directly from nature gave them a new understanding and respect for the foods they work with.
The fact that the Hotel and Restaurant School had chosen to include bicycles in their planning gave the students a unique opportunity to explore the area on their own. Many of them expressed how happy they were about the freedom it gave them to hop on the bikes after the day’s activities and experience Odsherred at their own pace.
Odsherred proved to be an inspiring and educational destination for a group of young chefs, who got to experience much more than just local ingredients. They had the chance to immerse themselves in the local culture, nature, and craftsmanship – and, not least, they enjoyed a fun and active bike ride through the beautiful landscape.
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