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Odsherred Museum - exhibitions.

Odsherred Museum

Night at the Museum is for everyone who loves a good scare...
Mandag den 14 oktober fra 18:00 - 21:00

Bring your family and friends for a terrifying experience at the darkened Odsherred Museum, where you will encounter the living dead and ghosts...

On one particular night of the year, the veil between the living and the dead is so thin that the dead can break through into the realm of the living. It can be a horrifying experience, as you wonder what is alive and what is not, and what happens in between?

Bring a flashlight with you.

Choose between different 30-minute time slots. During the last time slot, the fright factor will be turned up EXTRA high!

We recommend that younger children visit us earlier in the evening, while the last hour is more suited for older children and teenagers.

Hot drinks and cake are available for purchase in the museum café.

Purchase tickets in advance. It is only possible to buy tickets at the door if there are any unsold tickets left.

Price: Adults: 50 DKK Children 4-17 years: 25 DKK Children 0-4 years: Free Tickets:åmuseetodsherred

Odsherred Museum

Click on the map for directions to Odsherred Museum.

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