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The Vacation Home Market in Odsherred

The Vacation Home Market

has been extraordinarily busy, especially with foreign tourists struggling to find the right vacation home to rent. Many have experienced having to choose between "the very lowest tier" or "the very highest tier"—there has simply not been enough supply in the middle range.

How Are Bookings Distributed? We have gathered data from our rental customers to gain insight into which agencies and platforms are most popular for vacation home rentals in Odsherred. Here is an overview of the distribution of the 221 vacation home bookings we have recorded:

Own vacation home: 33.94%
Dansk Sommerhusferie: 23.53%
Feriepartner: 10.86% 8.60%
Airbnb: 8.60%
Sol & Strand: 6.79% 3.17%
Associations: 1.36%
Hotel Højbysø, Odsherred Camping: 0.90% 0.90%
Dancenter: 0.45%
DCU Camping Rørvig: 0.45%

As shown, nearly 34% of our customers are individuals who rent out their own vacation homes. This is a remarkably large share, indicating that many prefer the direct route rather than going through an agency.

Challenges for Foreign Tourists:

With the high number of vacation home rentals in Odsherred this year, we have seen an increase in demand, especially from foreign tourists. However, they have often faced challenges in finding the right vacation home, which has resulted in several inquiries from tourists asking us for recommendations for rentals.

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