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Geokids - 3500 lermasker på pinde.

Since 2014, an impressive group of 3500 school children have been active participants in the exciting Geokids project. They have used their energy and creativity to unearth clay and shape masks, which now adorn a beautiful park. It was a special occasion when the park was inaugurated in 2018 with a distinguished visit from Princess Marie.

The Geokids project is a fantastic initiative that can be experienced at the shelter site at Veddinge Bakker. Through this exciting project, the school children have not only created beautiful artworks, but they have also had a unique opportunity to learn about the fascinating landscapes and rich cultural history of Geopark Odsherred.

The clay for the masks has been excavated by the students themselves as part of their educational journey through the project. All masks are shaped according to the same template, but each one still bears its own unique imprint. In addition to their aesthetic beauty, each mask contains a QR code that can be scanned with a smartphone. This technological feature opens the door to a short video that tells the story of the mask and its creator, providing insight into the student's creative process.

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